What, Why, When, Where, Who and How?

What, Why, When, Where, Who and How – The 5 W’s and 1 H are well-known questions.

And in the consultancy/project management arena we add one more – how much? These key questions form the basis for managing any project or contract. If you can answer and manage these questions throughout the life of a project or contract you will be in a position to maintain the control that’s needed to deliver a successful result.

We use these fundamental questions in many ways throughout our life – from Primary School when learning how to craft a story, through to research proposals, bid preparation and problem solving. They form the basis for lots of things and may be so familiar that we sometimes forget them… but believe me, do so at your peril! If you don’t manage these elements, the project or contract will end up managing you.

Rowe Advisory’s experts have an extensive history and wide range of experience in this field. We can help you visualise the full scope of projects, both small and large scale, and help you achieve the success you are looking for. Contact Jody for more information