Confidential Energy Client

Delivery of comprehensive training framework 

The client, an energy and infrastructure solutions provider, employed Rowe Advisory to help deliver rigorous commercial management and contract administration on two transmission line projects totalling $700M.

The COVID19 pandemic presented significant challenges to both 3-year projects.

Rowe Advisory’s experienced consultant worked with the client’s project team, ensuring contractual timeframes and entitlements were met, contributing to successful delivery of both projects to time and budget.

Project challenges faced due to the global pandemic were managed through close collaboration between the client, its contractors and our consultant, providing appropriate solutions to manage the constantly changing environment due to COVID19. This collaboration ensured prompt attention and resolution of major challenges.

Rowe Advisory’s consultant took ownership of all commercial matters, negotiating effective outcomes.

Due to the effective commercial management by Rowe Advisory’s experienced consultant both projects were delivered to time and budget.

Confidential Client

Cogs showing procurement services
Delivery of outsourced procurement  and joint venture agreement

The client, who was developing a green ammonia production and export facility, employed Rowe Advisory to provide a client representative for outsourced procurement and contribute to the setting up of a joint venture agreement.

Rowe Advisory’s consultant worked with the client and joint venture partner to understand their expectations, and help design and develop a strategy for a joint venture agreement for undertaking the project.

In conclusion the joint venture didn’t come to fruition and the project execution model was changed with it being undertaken by a major contractor specialising in green technology.

Confidential Mining Client

Delivery of comprehensive training framework 

The client, a mining company, employed Rowe Advisory to design and develop a comprehensive training framework to ensure consistency, and enhance the skills and knowledge of the client’s employees. The training program covered both mandatory (company requirements) and role specific training requirements.

Similar projects running at the same time creating overlap and a change in scope mid-way through the review added to the challenge.

Rowe Advisory’s experienced consultant reviewed existing learning and training requirements at the company’s Business Units both at home and abroad. Merging two learning management systems into one streamlined the operation and avoided the need for additional assets.

The catalogue of company and role specific training was completed, together with the creation of a pro forma to identify specific training requirements for role profiles. The role profiles identified the qualifications, skills, experience, knowledge and learning requirements to enables successful role delivery.

Developing the role profiles helped to facilitate targeted discussions on areas for improvement and individual employee development.

The HR department appointed a learning and training expert who was able to progress the findings of the study.

Confidential Oil & Gas and Carbon Capture & Storage Client

Contract support for future subsurface and well engineering requirements

The client, an International Oil & Gas and Carbon Capture & Storage operator, engaged Rowe Advisory to deliver a suite of contracts in support of their ongoing and future subsurface and well engineering requirements including drilling campaign, P&A activity and seismic acquisition programme.

Autonomous working was required due to a period of change and instability within the client’s office due to re-organisation and a number of redundancies.

Our expert consultant was able to quickly mobilise and rapidly understand the complexity of the project. Rowe Advisory’s consultant was able to leverage his previous contracting experience in developing the scope of work and negotiating the single source contract award.

Our consultants key negotiation skills and understanding of current market conditions ensured a robust outcome for the client.

Rowe Advisory’s consultant led collaborative working with cross functional team members across well engineering, subsurface, legal, finance and commercial in order to meet the schedule and deliver a high-quality output.

Our consultant delivered a competitive suite of contracts which met all of the client’s needs across subsurface and drilling category areas.

Confidential Oil & Gas Client

Short-term well engineering contracts

The client, an African oil and gas operator in Tanzania, employed Rowe Advisory to support them with contracting requirements focused on short-term well engineering contracts.

A number of uncertainties around the schedule and scope, and multiple key stakeholders on rotation, led to difficulties in progressing many of the requirements.

Rowe Advisory’s highly skilled Contracts & Procurement Consultant worked in the client’s local office as an integral part of a cross-functional team supporting contract delivery and future well programme execution through:

  • Requests for information.
  • Maintaining vendor lists.
  • Developing Invitation to Tender packages.
  • Evaluating and negotiating tenders.
  • Managing all post award activities.

Local and international market knowledge ensured contracting strategies were informed and innovative in order to leverage the tight market and secure optimal solutions for the client. Our consultant’s deep tactical experience, coupled with a strategic approach, ensured a robust focus through the full procurement lifecycle.

A clear understanding of the client’s requirements, together with international procurement experience and a creative and collaborative approach, ensured delivery focused procurement support throughout the duration of the assignment.

Autonomous working, strong interpersonal skills and clear proactive communication were required to maintain focus on business requirements and ensure commercially competitive contracts were delivered.

Commercially competitive strategies and a suite of contracts to meet the clients future well engineering needs were developed and delivered.

Confidential UK Waste to Energy Client

Delivery of strategic service Agreements for UK Waste to Energy company 

The client, a developer, owner and operator in the UK Biomass and Waste to Energy sector, employed Rowe Advisory UK to lead the creation of Agreements for its strategic services. These included engineering, key operational requirements, plant modifications, and repair and maintenance services. The company was in its early growth phase and had a decentralised business model. The challenge was to look at spend across the business and to engage with contract owners, experts and other stakeholders, in a joined up approach that met operational requirements, raised service performance and delivered commercial benefits.


Rowe Advisory’s consultant largely undertook the project remotely and with their extensive experience were quickly able to roll out the project. Key deliverables included:

  • overall project management for identified spend categories to an agreed timeframe;
  • market research, to include examining new supplier opportunities;
  • stakeholder management and training in market engagement and supplier selection;
  • creation of tender exercise documentation;
  • tender assessment, award recommendation and negotiation through to internal approval and contract execution.

With a suite of Agreements, with suitable high performing suppliers, the client has a sound basis to improve contract performance and business outcomes. Supply options have increased ensuring stronger supply security and supplier resilience has been assessed and improved. The supplier selection process gives greater performance assurance as it ensures suppliers meet the client’s technical and HSEQ standards. Commercial improvements have been achieved, with rates and contracting practice consistently under the client’s terms and conditions. Finally, internal efficiency has improved with client’s personnel now working to Agreements instead of chasing three bids and a buy.

Confidential Australian Resource Client

Feasibility study for global mining company

The client, an Australian resource company, had engaged a front-end engineering contractor to undertake a feasibility study. The client then proceeded with the contractor to provide and lead an integrated management team for the project. Rowe Advisory was approached to provide an expert consultant to support the development of the scope of work and to assist in the commercial negotiations prior to the award of a single source contract.

The aggressive target timeline and the nature of the single source negotiation with a contractor added to the challenge.

Our expert consultant was able to quickly mobilise and rapidly understand the complexity of the project. Rowe Advisory’s consultant was able to leverage his previous contracting experience in developing the scope of work and negotiating the single source contract award.

Our consultants key negotiation skills and understanding of current market conditions ensured a robust outcome for the client.

The project management contract scope and contract amendment documentation were delivered within the 5-6 week target timeframe. Although the award of the amendment took a little longer due to the delegation processes involved and timelines required to achieve approvals.

A contract management plan was also delivered which outlined the contract synopsis, key contractual risks and stakeholder management approach to ensure successful delivery of the integrated project management team services for a circa $30 million contract.

Input was also provided to set the first term KPIs which will shape the relationship and contractor performance.

Confidential Global Mining Client

Feasibility study for global mining company

The client, a global mining company, contracted Rowe Advisory to undertake a feasibility study of the Learning, Development and Training requirements for the commissioning phase of a new project.

The biggest challenge was being responsible for only one section of the Human Resources workstream. Our highly experienced consultant noted it would have been easier to have been involved in all areas as Learning, Training and Development crosses all sections of HR and operations, especially the operational readiness workstream.

As we were responsible for developing the Pre-Feasibility study across all sections of the Human Resources workstreams, we had already developed valuable knowledge that enabled us to undertake the Feasibility development.

Our consultants' experience of designing a workforce for an autonomous mine in a difficult environmental/social condition on two other occasions proved to be invaluable in this project.

Interviews with the key workstream leads were undertaken remotely and were critical in defining the operational requirements and operating model to enable the training needs analysis and skills matrix to be developed.

The Learning, Development and Training section of the feasibility study was completed and the key findings were used to help the Investment Review Committee to agree on the recruitment, development and training requirements for this stage of the project.

Confidential UK Oil & Gas Client

Supply Chain Functional Excellence

Rowe Advisory was engaged by a large UK independent oil & gas company to provide supply chain (SC) Functional Excellence advisory services to a newly formed SC function following a large asset acquisition. Our highly experienced consultants were tasked with developing a Functional Excellence programme including defined discrete initiatives to support the vision. Key themes for the programme initiatives were to reduce SC costs, manage risk and increase value added to the bottom line. Central to the programme was integrating the SC department from legacy organisations to create One Team and to create corporate alignment to a the SC vision.

Organisational change through further acquisition during Covid challenged the availability of key stakeholders to deliver the initiatives.

Rowe Advisory’s consultants undertook a review of the existing operating model covering people, processes, systems and tools which identified risks and opportunities for adding value. The study was undertaken remotely using virtual working practices. Engagement with key stakeholders through the assessment phase was via both virtual 1-2-1 interviews and an online questionnaire. The online tool allowed engagement with a wide audience and enabled efficient data analysis. This was pivotal in establishing key messaging and qualitative and quantitative findings to present to senior leadership.

Rowe Advisory’s consultants supported the development and communication of the SC vision, priorities and implementation plan for each of the improvement initiatives. This ensured transparency of the project and consistent messaging which helped drive improvement throughout the organisation.

Throughout the project, Rowe Advisory prepared and facilitated workshops focused on improving the value the SC organisation delivered to the business. Areas of focus included:

  • People – creating a Supply Chain One Team.
  • Risk and value based approach to pre- and post- award contracting, fit for purpose relative to the size and scale of the organisation and planned demand.
  • Defining C&P roles and responsibilities through competencies matrix and career ladder.
  • Demand Manager training
  • Efficient and informative tools including demand planning, templates, reporting and market analysis
  • Department Performance Scorecard

Our consultants developed a rigorous programme focused on delivering the SC vision. Regular Leadership Team updates highlighted the overall project roadmap, together with deliverables and comments on progress and risks. This provided a visible assessment of the programme’s delivery and an ongoing feedback channel.

Rowe Advisory created a clear vision for the client’s SC department supported by discrete targeted initiatives. Phase I of the Functional Excellence programme provided early wins which increased the value delivered by the SC department and raised awareness of the overall programme and cultural change. Our consultant supported the VP of the SC who led and drove the programme.

Confidential Local Government Client

Procurement review for local government body

Rowe Advisory was engaged by the client, a local government body, to undertake a procurement review of the effectiveness and efficiency of their resource capability, processes and technologies.

The five main audit areas were:

  • Policy / procedure – ensure policies and associated procedures were tailored to a commercially focused local government organisation.
  • System – identify opportunities to maximise the use of information and to configure systems to best support efficient processes and to provide suggestions for improvement.
  • Capability assessment – to identify any skill deficiencies as part of the review process.
  • Review processes / systems for potential to outsource – to identify better ways of doing things and generate cost savings.
  • Areas of improvement – identity the weaknesses and inefficiencies in the client’s procurement processes.

Our consultant identified weaknesses and inefficiencies in the client’s procurement processes, and assisted in prioritising opportunities for improvement. For context, the ICAC evaluation on procurement in local government was also considered. Our consultant’s ability to transfer experience from other industries proved invaluable to the client. The review emphasised the importance of collaboration and the benefits of diverse perspectives, views and experiences.

Rowe Advisory’s consultant delivered a comprehensive in-depth report which highlighted the strengths and weaknesses, and identified opportunities for improvement, together with recommendations.


Confidential Client

Gas supply sourcing

The client approached Rowe Advisory to assist with a four-year contract to source gas for a large project. Challenges included constraints on the east coast Australian gas market, limited supply quantity, duration of the contract, and the price sensitivity of the project due to manufacturing input costs.

’s highly experienced consultant worked with the client to expand the supply chain and looked not only at exploration and production companies but also gas wholesalers and generator / retailers.

The sourcing process was successful and resulted in three conforming bids.


Confidential International Engineering Services Client

Commercial operating model review

The client, an international engineering services company, employed Rowe Advisory to lead a review of their commercial operating model and competencies to ensure they would meet future business demands. Throughout the review the client faced operational challenges and conflicting priorities.

Reviewing the commercial function’s operating model with a holistic approach meant all interdependencies were well understood. Sourcing a wide range of feedback ensured a full and true reflection of the current situation. Feedback was sourced via an online hosted website, ensuring quick and easy access to the questions for the team, and enabling user-friendly analysis to establish emerging themes and findings throughout the assessment phase.

Rowe Advisory’s consultants worked remotely and connected virtually to all client and stakeholder meetings and interviews. Our expertise in conducting remote targeted client interviews of senior leaders generated the information required to support a risk-based approach to identification of findings.

During the review our consultants worked with a high degree of flexibility and sensitivity to mitigate interruptions to business operations.

Collaborative and flexible working was required to meet the schedule and deliver a high quality output, and the key findings were articulated and fed back to senior management.

Rowe Advisory’s consultants facilitated feedback sessions to the department and senior leaders and produced a concise, comprehensive report which identified observations, findings and recommendations for change across the commercial function. The report included a ‘to-be’ model and associated implementation plan.


Confidential Energy Industry Client

Tender support 

Rowe Advisory were engaged by the client, an energy company, to help interpret, prepare, draft and review tender documentation for the supply of workover rigs for a major oil & gas operator.

Our experienced C&P consultant provided expert advice interpreting the tender documentation, quickly and accurately identifying the key areas of the tender which would be evaluated and scored.

Using their experience and in-depth industry knowledge Rowe Advisory’s consultant expertly drafted the tender response, and by liaising with the client’s personnel ensured the response highlighted their key strengths and attributes in-line with the information requested.

Rowe Advisory’s consultant thoroughly reviewed the final tender package with the client’s personnel and helped the client submit a high-quality tender on time for a major oil & gas operator.

Confidential Government Department Client

Construction site
Capital Project Procurement Strategy 

Rowe Advisory were engaged by the client, a government department, to develop a procurement strategy with options, including an Expression of Interest document, tender documents and evaluation tools for a $400 M capital project. The client’s complex procurement process and difficult market conditions due to Covid-19 created a number of challenges for Rowe Advisory’s dedicated C&P Professionals to overcome.

Our experienced C&P team developed a fast-track program and resourcing schedule to achieve the shortest possible procurement cycle. Extensive market research, comprehensive stakeholder engagement and a comprehensive risk assessment was carried out to support the development of the strategy. The delivery schedule and document register were carefully managed and daily communications with the client were maintained.

Rowe Advisory’s consultants delivered a procurement strategy with options to enable the client to make sound decisions within the agreed timeframe.

Confidential Oil & Gas Operator

Contracting & Procurement Review and Gap Analysis

Rowe Advisory UK was approached by the client, an Oil & Gas operator, to review their existing Contracting and Procurement (C&P) operating model, and recommend actions to manage risk and ensure compliance on order to deliver value to the business. Major concerns were lack of vendor due diligence, unclear C&P procedures and only one sourcing process regardless of risk and value.

Rowe Advisory’s highly experienced consultant undertook the study remotely, reviewing people, processes, systems and tools to identify risks and gaps in compliance with procedures. Interviews were conducted with business stakeholders and interim feedback from the key stakeholder ensured clarity and focus on the prioritised areas in the final report.

Our consultant challenged the status quo to identify the risks and outline the opportunities for change to drive improvement and add value. Identified areas of improvement included:

  • Recommendations on supplier due diligence, including process, improvements, checklist and tools.
  • Risk and value based approach to pre and post contract award.
  • Definition of C&P roles and responsibilities focused on providing clarity and cost control throughout the contract lifecycle.
  • Improved contract planning and definition of requirements linked to budgeting process.
  • Improved pre-award approvals process and post-award contract management.

Rowe Advisory UK delivered a comprehensive and concise report identifying gaps, risks and recommendations. The report focused on adding value within the context of the clients culture, organisation, existing suite of contract requirements and budget.

Confidential Oil & Gas Operator

Project Assurance Review 

Rowe Advisory was employed by the client, an Oil & Gas operator based in Australia, to participate in a Project Assurance Review as subject matter experts for Contracts & Procurement, Materials, Quality Assurance, Logistics and Risk. This included reviewing historical documentation, applicable internal guidelines, policies and procedures, and remotely attending all project team meetings and interviews with key internal stakeholders.

A tight timeline and a multi-disciplinary team working across multiple time zones added to the challenge of the review.

Rowe Advisory’s highly experienced consultants quickly prioritised their observations and focused on the key findings in interviews and subsequent close-out report. Throughout the review, our consultants ensured transparency in all relevant findings and within the back-up material.

Our consultants were deployed remotely, connecting virtually to all Project and Review meetings and interviews. Working practices and time zone scheduling between the UK and different Australian time zones were adjusted to suit the clients and key stakeholders requirements. Rowe Advisory’s remote and flexible approach ensured there were no interruptions with the efficiency of communications or progress of the review in what was a very tight timescale.

Rowe Advisory’s consultants used their strong interpersonal skills to quickly build working relationships with the Project team and fellow Assurance team members. Collaborative and targeted virtual review sessions and interviews were used to achieve the objectives in a timely and efficient manner.

Rowe Advisory successfully delivered a comprehensive and concise Assurance Review report identifying observations, findings and recommendations across Contracts & Procurement, Materials, Quality Assurance, Logistics and Risk within the agreed timescale.

Confidential Oil & Gas Operator

Contracting & Procurement Review and Gap Analysis

Rowe Advisory UK was approached by the client, an Oil & Gas operator, to review their existing Contracting and Procurement (C&P) operating model, and recommend actions to manage risk and ensure compliance on order to deliver value to the business. Major concerns were lack of vendor due diligence, unclear C&P procedures and only one sourcing process regardless of risk and value.

Rowe Advisory’s highly experienced consultant undertook the study remotely, reviewing people, processes, systems and tools to identify risks and gaps in compliance with procedures. Interviews were conducted with business stakeholders and interim feedback from the key stakeholder ensured clarity and focus on the prioritised areas in the final report.

Our consultant challenged the status quo to identify the risks and outline the opportunities for change to drive improvement and add value. Identified areas of improvement included:

  • Recommendations on supplier due diligence, including process, improvements, checklist and tools.
  • Risk and value based approach to pre and post contract award.
  • Definition of C&P roles and responsibilities focused on providing clarity and cost control throughout the contract lifecycle.
  • Improved contract planning and definition of requirements linked to budgeting process.
  • Improved pre-award approvals process and post-award contract management.

Rowe Advisory UK delivered a comprehensive and concise report identifying gaps, risks and recommendations. The report focused on adding value within the context of the clients culture, organisation, existing suite of contract requirements and budget.

Confidential Oil & Gas Operator Client

Contract Support

Rowe Advisory were engaged by the client, an Oil & Gas Operator, to provide continuity for their Contracts & Procurement (C&P) team while a recruitment process was undertaken.

Due to the short timeframe, our consultant quickly integrated into both the C&P and the D&C teams, picking-up existing processes to ensure continuity in existing programs of work.

Rowe Advisory’s experienced consultant was able to quickly establish relationships and develop systems proficiency on the client’s platforms. Thus ensuring no delay in existing or committed programs.

Our consultant also contributed to improvement plans for consolidating and streamlining disparate filing and approval processes, and implemented a user-friendly task tracking system within the teams.

All agreed timeframes were adhered to during the assignment, with both progress and task completion milestones being met. Our consultant also contributed to the planning and response to the emergent Covid-19 risks and the associated global oil price slump.

Confidential Exploration & Production Client

Cogs showing procurement services
Contract & Procurement Review

Rowe Advisory was employed by the client to review their existing Contracting and Procurement (C&P) procedures to identify improvements and provide a best practice review of values, processes, roles and responsibilities.

As the client was a large international E&P organisation, it was critical to understand the importance of C&P and the impact of any recommended changes on all other inter-related Management Systems.

Key Rowe Advisory personnel involved in the project, based overseas, used our flexible remote working model to proactively manage and deliver the project. Throughout the project our consultant developed and maintained good relationships with key stakeholders and delivered the project according to the client’s availability.

The output included:

  • The consolidation of legacy documents into a single C&P procedure meeting all mandatory requirements and supporting functional excellence.
  • C&P supporting documentation including a number of tools and templates to support the new procedure.
  • C&P procedure process map.
  • Guidelines to support the key stages of the process including:
    • Planning, category management and contracting strategies, and
    • Pre-award and post-award processes.

Our consultant added value by challenging the status quo, defining the risks and outlining the opportunities for change to drive improvement. Areas focused on included:

  • Clarity of roles and responsibilities.
  • Category Management.
  • Strategic planning and contracting strategies.
  • Supplier relationship management.
  • Risk based contracting processes.
  • Clear value adding pre-award sourcing processes.
  • Post-award processes focused on contract management.
  • Appointment and training of contract owners.

Rowe Advisory’s consultant delivered a comprehensive C&P procedure to re-focus C&P and associated business resources to perform contracting activities to minimise risk and maximise value whilst ensuring optimum supply chain delivery.

Confidential Power & Light Client

Transport and logistics
Transport & Logistics Category Management

Rowe Advisory was engaged by the client to assist with their Transport & Logistics category management including the tendering, awarding and management of a variety of contracts. A lack of resources had delayed progress and had created challenges with stakeholder relationships.

It was vital to win back stakeholder confidence and ensure they were fully engaged with the procurement function. Rowe Advisory’s experienced consultant ensured clear open lines of communication with stakeholders, resulting in productive engagement between all parties.

Good relationships and partnerships formed with stakeholders, improved stakeholder participation and cohesive teamwork ensured efficient progress on all open projects.

Confidential Energy Industry Client

Vendor Accreditation Policy Review

Rowe Advisory was engaged by the client, an energy company, to review their current Supplier Accreditation Policy, identify and implement areas for improvement and recommend specific steps to improve the set-up and maintenance of supplier data.

The task was undertaken remotely by our highly experienced consultant based overseas, thus saving time and cost and accelerating the schedule.

The project was delivered according to the clients availability, with Rowe Advisory’s consultant working flexibly and proactively managing the project. A good relationship with the client’s key personnel was developed and maintained throughout the project.

Rowe Advisory’s consultant added value by challenging the status quo, identifying the risks and outlining the opportunities for change in supplier pre-qualification and due diligence.

Our consultant delivered a comprehensive report outlining the overall objectives of supplier accreditation, and identifying and presenting what best practice looks like. Observations and recommendations detailed the risks associated with the current procedure and outlined a way forward to mitigate and manage them.

Confidential Energy Industry Client

Detailed tender case review 

The client, an energy company, engaged Rowe Advisory to undertake a detailed case review of a single order, and to outline the strengths and potential improvements of the existing procurement rocedure and identify opportunities to update the procedure.

The case review focused on both pre-award and post-award, and delivered observations and recommendations for post award contract management which had not previously been an area of focus for the client.

Rowe Advisory provided these services remotely and built on key stakeholder relationships to ensure timely delivery of a detailed case review.

Rowe Advisory’s resources were able to utilise their industry experience to assess the client’s current custom and practise, and outline detailed areas of focus to optimise the client’s procurement procedures.

Rowe Advisory’s flexible and agile way of working enabled a phased approach to complete the case review and provide a comprehensive report.

The report provided a summary of key observations, a review of procurement procedures including Plan-Evaluate-Award-Manage, recommendations and a detailed continuous improvement plan to drive and sustain procurement procedures.

Confidential Utilities Client

Contracting Strategy Development

Rowe Advisory were engaged by the client, a utilities company, to aid in the development of a contracting strategy, and identify key opportunities to reduce spend and improve post award contract management.

The client was implementing a re-organisation and the systems used across the company were segmented and inconsistent. The client was also in the process of introducing a new suite of applications.

Rowe Advisory’s consultant undertook a spend cube analysis and identified a number of opportunities to improve performance and reduce cost. Our consultant then developed a high level plan providing recommendations on the key opportunities available to reduce spend and improve post award contract management. Recommendations were made in terms of process improvement, records management and category management approach.

High level strategic and broad management recommendations were delivered which identified millions in savings. A spend cube analysis was used to identify key opportunity areas and potential benefits across the addressable spend.

Confidential Mining Client

Senior Leadership Development

The client, a large mining house based in Western Australia, was undertaking a number of key initiatives, including changes to its senior executives, introducing a new industry competitive roster and lifestyle pattern, as well as major project development schedule changes. Competing priorities and demands made it difficult for the existing leadership team to maintain focus on the task.

Based on past experience and industry best practice Rowe Advisory’s consultant undertook a review of the existing Leadership Development processes and systems including:

  • a desk top review,
  • targeted interviews,
  • a direct feedback process, and
  • individual one on one discussions.

As a result our consultant identified, recommended and supported:

  • a leadership development and realignment programme complimentary to the existing leadership strategy,
  • implementation of a refreshed leadership development programme of work,
  • updating existing induction programmes and materials, and
  • development of a one-day leader alignment workshop.

Throughout the project, challenges were over-come by consistent direct engagement with the senior leaders, group workshops and total workforce communication. This was supported by the Chief Executive emphasising that buy-in to the change was necessary and required to maintain competitive position and attract empowered and innovative leadership to the organisation.

Rowe Advisory's consultant delivered of a refreshed suite of leadership development activities aligned to the organisational culture and an updated induction programme for leaders and all employees.

Confidential Oil & Gas Industry Client

Contracts & Procurement Services 

Rowe Advisory was engaged by the client, an independent Oil & Gas company, to review their current procurement processes and define and implement a Contracts & Procurement (C&P) Procedure.

The client was not satisfied with their current C&P Procedure and resources and wanted to implement an improved way of working that was suitable for both current and future work activity and complimented the existing financial approvals.

Rowe Advisory’s highly experienced C&P managing consultant, coupled extensive industry knowledge together with interviewing key internal stakeholders and reviewing historical third party spend data to provide key observations and recommendations.The focus was on delivering value and improving ways of working through clearly defined accountability, transparency and cost control.

In addition, our consultant reviewed and analysed the clients procurement history and future work programme covering:

  • quantity and value of year to date commitments,
  • spend data broken down by category,
  • anticipated future work programmes and associated contract requirements,
  • examples of contracts, Master Service Order agreements and Purchase Order terms and conditions.

Our consultant defined and implemented a fit for purpose C&P Procedure along with supporting tools and templates for the client. Having implemented the Procedure and trained the organisation, Rowe Advisory continues to support the client with their ongoing C&P resourcing requirements.

Confidential Engineering Services Client

Business development support

Rowe Advisory was engaged by the client to undertake business development support, providing identification of quick wins in overhead spend and advice on preparing proposals for clients.

Current workloads at the time were limiting the company’s ability to identify and implement solutions.

Rowe Advisory’s consultant was able to first identify and then develop solutions and implementation plans from roll-out to delivery. Rowe Advisory were able to provide tangible evidence of significant cash saving initiatives, and provided support to reduce maverick spend and enable the roll-out of a framework for preparing client proposals.

Detailed proposals were provided to the client, together with step by step processes to deliver the initiatives and business development improvements.

Confidential Oil & Gas Services Client

Business development & strategic marketing

Rowe Advisory was engaged by the client to undertake business development and strategic marketing activity to develop their market presence within the Oil & Gas industry.

The client had minimal presence in their target sector within the industry and was finding it difficult to establish a base in the market.

Rowe Advisory’s consultant formulated a business development strategy and plan. In addition, they supported the client with business development enquires, client meetings, product formulation, networking, tendering and market penetration.

Through analysis of the market, Rowe Advisory’s consultant developed a strategic plan to grow the client’s market share by developing new innovative products and value added services.

By using their established networks and industry experience, understanding and presence, Rowe Advisory was able to raise the clients profile within the sector and establish a share of over 60% in their target market.

Recently the client, supported by Rowe Advisory, was awarded a 4+2 year contract (valued at $10m+) for the provision of work for a CSG major.

In addition, Rowe Advisory helped the client with establishing long term partnerships with leading oil & gas companies, and partnering with an energy major to be awarded a multi-million dollar contract.

Confidential Oil & Gas Services Client

Contract & Procurement processes

Rowe Advisory was employed by the client, an Oil & Gas service company, to review their Contract & Procurement processes which were being stressed by a rapid growth of their business. Existing processes were not felt to be adequate or appropriate, and presented a threat to the business and its profitability. Non-availability of client personnel was impacting delivery schedule.

Rowe Advisory reviewed the client’s existing C&P personnel, processes, systems and tools. Improvement options were defined with the following aims:

• Adding Value
• Fitness for Purpose
• Maximising Value
• Mitigating & Managing Risk
• Improving Profitability

Rowe Advisory’s flexible virtual operating model enabled the client immediate access to our highly experienced consultant who undertook the review remotely to ensure rapid engagement.

Our consultant used their communication expertise to improve the engagement of the client’s personnel and mitigate potential delays.

Rowe Advisory’s industry experienced consultant added value by reviewing and challenging current practices, and defining and delivering the changes needed by the client.

In a short time frame our consultant provided a detailed action plan and schedule, next steps, milestones and targeted outcomes for the client.

In addition a Rowe Advisory consultant also spent a short period of time in situ with the client to assess and advise on their business development, marketing and pre-contract processes to ensure fitness for purpose.

Confidential Utility Service Client

Utility services

Rowe Advisory was employed by a utility service company to assist in developing an Outsourcing Guide for a number of proposed activities that were potentially suitable for future outsourcing. A very tight timescale to develop the Guide added to the challenge.

Rowe Advisory’s experience and best practice knowledge of global and local outsourcing activities enabled in-depth and detailed input into the Guide.

In addition, Rowe Advisory’s consultant scheduled activities to ensure that the challenging project timescales were met.

The client was able to focus on the internal aspects of the development of the Guide knowing that they were receiving ‘best practice’ advice on outsourcing. This enabled them to rapidly develop and launch the Guide which in turn led to benefits being quickly realised.

Confidential Mining Client

Remote mining
Remote mining operation

Rowe Advisory was asked to prepare a tender for a civil engineering project for a remote mining operation to reduce the amount of time access roads were unavailable due to inclement weather. Previous discussions with contractors had not resulted in the mining company developing any innovative solutions that were cost effective.

Utilising their deep knowledge of civil engineering and experience of remote operations, Rowe Advisory’s consultant developed a number of technical and commercial models to reduce the cost of maintaining the access roads during inclement weather. This enabled tenderers to better understand and meet the brief.

Tenderers for the project provided the client with cost effective innovative solutions that met the brief.

Highway Construction Project

Communication and Relationship Workshop between client and contractor

Rowe Advisory was engaged to facilitate a Communication and Relationship Workshop between the client and the contractor on a large highway construction project. Whilst some of the issues were outlined in a briefing meeting, a number of issues were raised during the workshop which were added to the agenda.

Rowe Advisory’s consultant presented a number of options on how to address the issues raised at the briefing meeting and developed these solutions further to address the additional issues that had been raised during the workshop. Rowe Advisory’s consultants experience of similar work was particularly helpful in facilitating the workshop.

At the end of the workshop, the client was presented with a summary list of what was discussed and an action plan which had been developed to discharge the open items.

Confidential Energy Company

Contract & Procurement Services

Rowe Advisory was engaged by an Adelaide energy company to provide Contract & Procurement services to cover the sourcing of key contracts for subsurface and surface operations. Due to the value achieved during these activities, the client extended the initial two month contract to cover all C&P and logistics activities for the following 12-16 months. Design changes meant that some of the timescales required were challenging to meet.

Using their experience and in-depth knowledge of the oil & gas categories, from seismic through to surface facilities, Rowe Advisory’s consultant ensured value was achieved across the board by ensuring standardisation of existing goods & services and negotiating optimal outcomes.

Drawing on a wide network of suppliers enabled Rowe Advisory’s consultant to provide solutions to these challenges within the identified timeframes.

Provision of a value added C&P service enabled the client’s technical specialists to focus on engineering solutions, in the knowledge that the C&P activities were being successfully managed.

Confidential Mining Client

Business development / cost reduction

The client required assistance to review their current way of working and develop a cost reduction plan covering both systems and processes. Changes within the leadership team and a short project timeline added to the challenge.

Rowe Advisory provided an experienced independent consultant to review the current procurement systems and processes.

Rowe Advisory provided a cost reduction plan and an implementation road map to roll out the plan over two years.

Confidential Oil and Gas Service Provider

Long term service contract with a large oil and gas company

Rowe Advisory was asked to project manage a multi-million dollar tender for an oil and gas service provider for a long term service contract with a large oil and gas company. The tender period was relatively short, so it was imperative that resources were able to be assigned to the project within days of notification.

Rowe Advisory’s consultant was able to quickly respond to the request to manage the bid and provide immediate benefit to the client.

Rowe Advisory were able to use their deep knowledge of the category to ensure that the appropriate information was submitted. Utilising their long experience of running tenders on the client side meant that the resultant tender was submitted in a format that would ensure that the evaluation team would be easily able to review the response.

The client was pleased that in commissioning someone with deep category and bid management experience, they were able to focus on the key commercial elements of the tender response together with the day to day operations of their company knowing that the tender was going to be submitted in a compliant form.

Confidential Mining Client

Mining project

The client required assistance with a multi-million dollar EPC contract to expand an existing facility and increase production capacity.

Rowe Advisory provided access to experienced resources in major capital project procurement during the initiation and planning phase, and assisted in assessing the robustness of the client's tendered procurement strategy within a short timeframe, to convert the strategy into a plan for implementation.

Through the delivery of a procurement management plan, with clearly defined pathways to success, the client was able to implement a rapid start to procurement packages, and develop a resource and responsibility plan.

CD Power

Business development / strategic management

Rowe Advisory was engaged by CD Power to develop a key market presence in the CSG industry for their stationary power generation equipment. This involved formulating a business development strategy, project activity pipeline, and representing CDP on business development enquires, client meetings, partnership building, product formulation and tendering.

By analysing the CSG power generation market Rowe Advisory developed a strategic plan to grow the CDP market share by developing innovative products and value added services including:

• Remote performance monitoring
• Full-serviced power supply
• Combi solar, battery and generator packages
• Synchronising generators and switchboards

CD Power has been selected as the preferred supplier of multiple major CSG to LNG operators for wellsite serviced power, thus increasing market share. In partnership with GE, CDP have been awarded a multi-million dollar contract to supply the next generation of HPUs for wellsite power.

Confidential Oil & Gas Client

Contract and procurement

Rowe Advisory were engaged by an Australian oil and gas exploration and production company to provide strategic contracts and procurement assistance for an upcoming coal seam gas project in Queensland. 

Rowe Advisory developed and implemented numerous processes and policy improvements to encompass compliances to pre- and post-award polices and standards. Further strategy development took place to build whole project contract strategies, drilling and completion strategies and warehouse and inventory progress. Rowe Advisory consultants also created successful tenders in areas such as engineering, drilling rigs and wellsite services.

The team have delivered over 75 contracts in 12 months with significant savings achieved. In addition to delivery and savings, the outsourced C&P function have worked with the employees to change the attitude and culture of the organisation towards C&P by establishing it as a value-adding function. 

Upon completion of the first phase of this work, Rowe Advisory were further engaged by the client to provide fully outsourced contracts and procurement support.

QMS Connect

Refocusing business strategy and development activities

Operating in a highly competitive environment, QMS Connect contacted Rowe Advisory, seeking advice on improving the company's market share and understanding the underlying customer needs for products and services.

By applying the Rowe Advisory 5-point strategic and tactical approach, the team facilitated a new business strategy and forward plan, built around market opportunities.

To cement the new strategy and forward plan, Rowe Advisory organised a two-day workshop with the client to drive the initiatives forward. This included implementation of:

• Corporate business strategy
• Local business development strategy
• Local business development execution

Revision of the client’s growth strategy and marketing approach has led to increased revenue.


Spend review / savings initiative

Rowe Advisory’s initial activity at iPipe was to conduct a bottom-up spend review to develop a baseline and identify key path-forward activities.

Rowe Advisory identified a number of activities to be reviewed, and from there completed a strategy to reduce spend across the company. The following key activities were reviewed and managed to implement savings and optimise the potential of the business:

• Tenders
• Plant and equipment
• Consumables and materials
• PPE and uniforms
• Freight
• Insurance
• Industrial gases
• Electricity
• Insource vs. outsource analysis
• Policy review and implementation

The total savings identified across the initiatives for iPipe have been approximately 18%.

State Government Client

Business consultant / training program

Rowe Advisory collaborated with a number of small businesses to help them grow their networks, net worth, marketing, sales and general business systems, leading to an increase in business revenue. With such a variety of businesses within one scope, the challenge was to ensure that everyone was individually catered for.

The program was extremely innovative; Rowe Advisory facilitated a seminar and workshop program that supported the individual requirements of all businesses involved. The highly interactive seminars and workshops provided business owners with real-time support in developing skill sets, ranging from sales presentations to social media marketing strategies.

The four-month project successfully trained participants to create a range of vital business growth systems, including their own individual business plans, marketing campaigns and marketing videos for their YouTube channel.

Confidential Oil & Gas Client

Contract and procurement

The client required assistance in re-commissioning and initialising the startup of energy assets including wells, remote satellite facilities, LPG plant and pipelines. The challenge was selecting the optimum approach for two differing /competing execution approaches proposed by two different contracting entities.

Rowe Advisory added value to the project by providing resources as-needed to implement the client's contracting strategy for selection and appointment of a restart contractor. Rowe Advisory consultants strategically selected a highly-skilled technical contractor, which saw the contract awarded below budget and delivered on schedule.

During the four-month assignment, Rowe Advisory delivered a strategically formulated, time sensitive contract, under budget, with the employment of an EPC contractor for the upgrade of an onshore gas processing facility. The contractor delivery performance will be available after August 2018.

Confidential Environmental Waste Management Client

Strategic business review

Rowe Advisory were engaged by a major environmental waste management company who required a strategic business review and development of recommendations for future growth strategies. The challenge was shifting focus to long term growth opportunities. 

After an extensive analysis of the company and review of financial and operational processes, Rowe Advisory devised a list of recommendations to support the formulation of short and long term growth strategies which aligned to their business plan.

In a time-sensitive project, Rowe Advisory delivered a in-depth corporate business analysis and strategy with links to the client's market segments, industry, competitors and external environment. This allowed the client to better align their strategies to support their short and long term growth objectives.

Confidential Oil & Gas Client

Strategic business plan

Rowe Advisory were approached by an oil and gas service provider to assist with strategic insights for their business and the oil and gas industry. The challenge was encouraging people to take the time to think about the future and why are they in business, what are you working towards and be clear on the intent.

Rowe Advisory ran intensive workshops, which were constructed to bring together out of the box thinking and focus on gaining an outlook and understanding into the market and what the future looks like for the industry. 

Through numerous conversations with both industry leaders and experts, Rowe Advisory constructed an well-informed strategic plan that has allowed the client to make intelligent and strategic decisions to support their future business objectives.

Confidential Mining Client

Procurement management plan

Rowe Advisory were ask to assist in a multi-million dollar EPC contract for a new lithium mine. The challenge was delivering project in a very short turn around time. 

Rowe Advisory's extensive network allowed access to experienced resources in the major capital project procurement for the initiation and planning phase. From there, the consultants at Rowe Advisory constructed a procurement management plan delivering clearly defined pathways to success. 

The procurement management plan enabled the client to implement a rapid start to procurement packages and develop resource and responsibility plan. 

Confidential Environmental Waste Management Client

Strategic business review

Rowe Advisory were engaged by a major environmental waste management company who required a strategic business review and development of recommendations for future growth strategies. The challenge was shifting focus to long term growth opportunities. 

After an extensive analysis of the company and review of financial and operational processes, Rowe Advisory devised a list of recommendations to support the formulation of short and long term growth strategies which aligned to their business plan.

In a time-sensitive project, Rowe Advisory delivered a in-depth corporate business analysis and strategy with links to the client's market segments, industry, competitors and external environment. This allowed the client to better align their strategies to support their short and long term growth objectives.